Online Stock Trading Community- StockTrack



A lot of financial investment content is regularly commented on in social media, blogs and private online platforms but because of the fact that it is widely distributed; stock traders do not get the opportunity to access this information and use it so as to improve their trading portfolio (Jameson, 2013; Hao, 2014). This content relating to the highest traded stock, upcoming IPOs, market companies that are the safest and most profitable to trade on therefore presents a treasure trove of information, which could be used by upcoming novice and professional traders to gain an insight into the market (Deer, 2012). Professional stock traders look at information containing breaking news, new market launches, mergers and acquisitions as well as industry inventions so as to solidify their investment. This is why we have decided to launch the online stock trading social media platform, StockTrack. StockTrack will allow a large number of interested financial investors to join the community and exchange ideas, commentary, stock tips, current events and information relating to upcoming sales that other community members would find useful, thereby increasing the collective investment strength and information. Additionally, more experienced traders will be able to offer trading insights, pointers and direction to new traders, thereby enabling them to understand the intricacies of the market and how to go about growing their investment portfolio in a safe, limited risk manner. By following other genuine traders in the market, novice traders can be able to find their around the market in a simple and fast manner without the extra expense of getting formal training on stock trading.

Stage 1 benefit

A number of stage I benefits will be realized from the deployment of the online platform. Firstly, subscribers to the online social community will be able to share financial information that relates to stock trading, thereby allowing beginners to gain first-hand, experiential training from experts who have been in the industry for a number of years. By being trained by individuals who have experience and practical knowledge on stock trading, new traders will have the opportunity to grow their skills and learn to gauge the level of risk in their investments. Secondly, the deployment of the online platform will lead to the amassment of a “big data” resource which users will be able to query in order to know the companies with the highest levels of returns and low risks, so that they can make their own investments. Through the incorporation of interface level querying features, users will be able to filter the large volume of comments and member communications so as to find information that relates to their investment plans.

Early Adopter Benefits

The early adopters of the system will realize a wide range of benefits. Firstly, StockTrack community members will be able to communicate and exchange ideas on IPO sales, highest market earners and companies with the highest traded stocks, thereby reducing the level of the risk of investment and effectively increasing the rate of returns. The company aims to recruit the pro-bono services of financial advisers and stock traders during the first six months of its launch, primarily to give specialized advice to the community members and help grow the membership. During this time, members will have exclusive access to a wealth of information from the professional stock traders, with the inclusion of a question and answer section where users will have consultative guidance on the “dos and the don’ts” in the stock market. These traders will be ranked higher within the member community, with priority given to their comments and input as they will have received expert training from professional traders. After the lapse of the six months, it is expected that the first adopters will have gained enough experience so as to train and guide other community network joiners.

Increasing success expectations 

In order to increase the success expectations of the member community, users will be allowed to post comments and positive testimonials relating to their use of the community data. Additionally, members will be allowed to post and allow users to access their online trading portfolio, which will highly elevate the expectations of the member community. Significant input from stock trading experts will also be sought, which will raise the quality of discussions held within the platform as well as offer corrective guidance towards stock trading expertise. When the users are guided and trained by a professional in the field, they will feel safer to ask questions and possibly use the suggestions given so as to increase the margin of their profits.

Furthermore, success expectations will be raised by the inclusion of daily stock trading tips and suggestions, which will be sourced from a wide range of online stock trading sites and organizations. Users will also be able to view a tabled outline of the stocks traded the previous day, and their performance in relation to the comments and suggestions made with the community social site. By being able to relate first hand comments from the community members and visibly seeing the results, predictions and outcomes, users will be able to gauge the inherent benefits of following and possibly upgrading their membership.

Everybody is seeking the opportunity to make some extra income. The community will present the opportunity to new and upcoming stock traders to not only learn from specialists within the field, while at the same time allowing veteran stock brokers the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from one another. With strict moderation over the content that is floated across the discussion platform – so as to avoid illegal disclosure of confidential information – the team feels that this will provide a unique opportunity for all to participate, learn something new and make some money while at it. What do you think? Do you think that the community presents a feasible idea for those interested in stock trading?


Deer, D. (2012). Using Social Media Data Aggregators to Do Social Research. Sociological Research Online, 17(3).

Hao, G. (2014). Institutional Shareholder Investment Horizons and Seasoned Equity Offerings. Financial Management, n/a-n/a.

Jameson, S. (2013). Financial Markets and Investment Externalities. The Journal Of Finance, 68(4), 1307-1329.

One thought on “Online Stock Trading Community- StockTrack

  1. The early adopter benefits are interesting. In a competitive field like stock trading will professionals be willing to share their knowledge so openly?

    I wonder if your community at a certain size could coordinate their trading in an attempt to manipulate the market in their favor. Would it be possible for individuals to build up their reputation and then exploit it for personal gain?

    I’m starting to imagine a sort of snake pit like scenario where you gain users just so that they can try and use the information within the community to get on top of each other.


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